Downton Abbey cast tweet a bit of fun in response to 'Sherlock' comments

Downton Abbey cast has fun with Twitter When Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of the BBC’s brilliant Sherlock series, offered up his rather uncomplimentary thoughts to Reader’s Digest on the biggest phenomenon since sliced bread, Downton Abbey, taken out of context or not, the initial inclination might have been to fire off a response that you […]

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Downton Abbey drama du jour

With Downton Abbey currently in production on series 3, the Daily Mail headline reads “Drama at Downton Abbey as Dame Maggie Smith looks set to quit the show“. The text reads like a soap opera as it is being ‘reported’ that the Dowager Countess has ‘panicked the bosses’ by not signing a new contract. It’s as […]

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In the trenches with Downton Abbey 2

It’s been a long road for young Matthew Crawley who started out as a middle-class Manchester solicitor and heir apparent of Downton Abbey. For the upcoming second series of the critically acclaimed, audience mega-hit, he now finds himself deep in the trenches of the First World War. “It was miserably cold and wet and muddy,” […]

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