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  • Happy National Pi(e) Day, America, as we look back on British Pie Week 2025!

    While it, technically, is the day set aside to celebrate the mathematical constant knows as "Pi", one can never have enough pie be it American or British so, no matter where you are and whether you are a fan of the traditional American ‘pie’ or British ‘pie’, today is National Pi(e) Day here in the U.S.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch as ‘Jack the Ripper’

    There are a handful of actors that I would be content to just sit and let them read the phone book. We're talking the likes of Nicola Walker, Suranne Jones, Bill Nighy and, obviously, Benedict Cumberbatch.

  • Gender politics and trial by social media painfully collide in ‘Douglas is Cancelled’

    Douglas is Cancelled is worth keeping an eye on for a number of reasons. One being the outstanding cast that starts with Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey, Twenty Twelve, W1A), Karen Gillan (Doctor Who, Guardians of the Galaxy), Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, ER), Ben Miles (Coupling, Forsyte Saga, The Crown) and Nick Mohammed (Ted Lasso) and, two, the mind palaces behind the series are acclaimed writer Steven Moffat (Coupling, Sherlock, Dracula) and Sue Vertue's Hartswood Films (Men Behaving Badly, Coupling, Sherlock, Jekyll, Dracula).

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