Pirate Radio – They rocked a generation…and a few MP's along the way

Richard Curtis, creator/writer of Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, Blackadder, Mr. Bean and Vicar of Dibley, turns his attention to a band of renegade DJ’s who’s love affair with rock & roll changed the world forever in Pirate Radio. They defined a generation. They drove the British government crazy.

Giveaway! Free tix to screening – Thurs. Nov 12

Thanks to the great folks at Focus Features, Tellyspotting has secured 5 reserved seating passes (good for 2 people each) to the preview screening at the Studio Movie Grill (I75 Central Expressway at Royal Lane, Dallas) on Thursday, November 12 at 7:30p. All you have to do is send us a jpeg photo of a vintage ticket stub to your favorite concert you just couldn’t part with from over the years or a photo of your favorite classic concert t-shirt. All entries will be entered into a drawing to win one of the 5 reserved seating passes.

As The Great One, Wayne Gretzky, maintains to this day, you can’t score if you don’t shoot, so no going to the film on November 12 if you don’t enter. E-mail photo to tellyspotting@kera.org by 12midnight, Monday, November 9. Winners will be notified via return e-mail. Did I mentioned these were free reserved tickets?

To get the ball rolling, here’s one from several memorable Brit concerts from my past (fyi, Cream is from 2005 at Royal Albert Hall, not 1968)….










If that doesn’t do it, and there is still a remote chance that you’re undecided as to whether or not to enter, maybe the film trailer below will help you decide. Remember, e-mail your jpeg photo to tellyspotting@kera.org by 12mid, Monday, November 9, 2009.


In: Comedy,Music