The Ninth Doctor a Beatle?

Ok, having difficulty with this one. Am reading in the Guardian about BBC4 project. Former Doctor Who star, Christopher Eccleston, has been tagged to star in Lennon Naked, a film for the Beeb that looks at John Lennon’s life from 1967-1971. To me, Eccleston never seemed to warm to the idea of being the Ninth Doctor and always seemed to be quite open about it being a very limiting role and not one that he ever intended to play for any length of time.

Yoko Ono will be played by Naoko Mori, of Torchwood fame. Claudie Blakley, who played Martha in Cranford, will play Cynthia Lennon.

p.s. Don’t forget the Fawlty Towers Remastered DVD contest below. Can’t win if you don’t enter. E-mail answers to asap.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses,Odds & Sods