CarPool w/ Krytie anyone?

Robert Llewellyn, of Red Dwarf fame, has embarked on a really cool project called CarPool with Robert Llewellyn. This weekly video podcast was started just over a year
ago by Llewellyn and takes place in Robert’s hybrid/electric car.

Past passengers have included individuals whose work you are probably are very familiar with, but might not know the name, such as Stephen Garrett, CEO of Kudos Film and TV, creators of the likes of Hustle, MI5 and Life on Mars and Graham Linehan, who wrote Father Ted, Black Books and, more recently, The IT Crowd. More familiar names and faces have included Stephen Fry, Chris Barrie, Jonathan Ross, Craig Charles and Sir Patrick Stewart.

If you have an idea for a possible guest or want advance segment information about what’s in the offing, you can follow Robert on Twitter at @bobbyllew. To give you an idea of what the show hopes to achieve, here’s a taste.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy