Lost Doctor Who episode?

Now that we’ve seen David Tennant’s final days as The Doctor and his subsequent regeneration into the newest incarnation of the time-traveling Time Lord, Matt Smith, there comes word that some 30 years ago, back in December 1979, a six-part episode of Doctor Who, “Shada” with Tom Baker, was filmed but never transmitted. Seems inexplicable that an episode from what, at the time, was one of the most popular programs on the BBC would never see the light of day, but from what one professor writes, sounds like a classic ‘you-know-what’ match between the BBC and the unions. In this 1993 interview, Baker reveals what he believes is the reasoning behind the shelving of the episode.

If you caught the two-part Doctor Who “The End of Time”, it was cool to see the stellar performance by the great Bernard Cribbins in the recurring role of Wilfred Mott. Cribbins will be forever known and linked to the character of Mr. Hutchinson in the “Hotel Inspectors” episode of Fawlty Towers. His explanation as to why the hotel television set be tuned to BBC2 and why he never uses the telephone is genius writing and delivery.

Here’s the trailer for the never-before-broadcast episode that appeared on the previous weeks telecast back in 1979.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses