Happy belated to Dr. House, Bertie and Lieutenant George…

Blame it on World Cup fever…or just age. Unfortunately, Friday, June 11 came and went without a sincere shout out to Hugh Laurie on his birthday. Today’s television viewer is now wondering why we’re wishing Dr. Gregory House a happy birthday. If you’re willing to admit you’re in that group, please take an upcoming weekend and power watch A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Blackadder, or Jeeves and Wooster.

You may still know him today as Dr. Gregory House, but public television viewers coast to coast have been the beneficiary of his talent since being introduced to Laurie in the mid-80’s in Blackadder, then Jeeves and Wooster. This is great Hugh Laurie television. Don’t believe me? Watch this classic clip with Bertie (Hugh Laurie) trying to understand and explain Minnie the Moocher to Jeeves (Stephen Fry). Still not convinced?

Classic Blackadder

This behind-the-scenes video is from a “…making of..” video featuring Hugh Laurie and John Lloyd, producer of Blackadder. As always, enjoy. Happy belated Birthday, Mr. Laurie. Thanks for all the years of enjoyment on both sides of the pond.


In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy