Doctor Who wish list

We know what you’d like in the TARDIS, now who would you like to see on Doctor Who?

I suppose when you wake up and realize that you are Doctor Who, there might be a feeling that anything is at your disposal. Remember, it was only recently that Matt Smith, the current “Doctor”, mentioned that he might like a piano in the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space).  Being the product of the Time Lords advanced technology, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for anything to be included.

Seems as though Smith recently extended his wish list beyond items he’d like in the time machine/spacecraft and turned his attentions to actors and actresses he’d like to see in the series. The star-studded list includes Dame Helen Mirren (Prime Suspect), Vincent Cassel (Ocean’s Thirteen), Hayley Atwell (The Pillars of the Earth)and Helena Bonham Carter, (A Room With a View) and Rowan Atkinson (Blackadder).

You can read more here about the history of Doctor Who and know that given the history of the series and the number of brilliant actors that have appeared over the years nothing’s impossible, when you are the Doctor. One only has to wait until this years Christmas special to see the great Michael Gambon.

Tellyspotting flickr page

More photos uploaded from this past weekend’s shoot at the BBC Television Centre for the host portions of Behind the Britcom: From Script to Screen that will air on PBS and KERA in March 2011. You can see them on the Tellyspotting flickr page. Enjoy.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses,Comedy