Doctor Who 7 new series trailer – let the real Olympic games begin

An event of Olympic proportion is currently happening with faithful P1’s marking their individual Downton Abbey Countdown Calendar’s on a daily basis. While signaling the Downton Abbey September UK transmission and January 2013 United States broadcast of series 3, it is with the utmost respect that I have to mention…there’s a new sheriff in town that warrants its own countdown calendar for a Fall return. The Doctor is back and this time he’s bringing with him Daleks, Dinosaurs, Weeping Angels, the departure of the Ponds and a new companion. Enough said? I thought so. Series 7 is on the horizon.

In teasing ways that only the BBC knows how to do, a new video has just been released which is just over :90 seconds of trailer gold. And, following that is more greatness from the folks over at Digital Spy and their brilliant deconstruction of the trailer shot-by-shot with a little MST3K-style captioning to go along with it.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses