Doctor Who 7.1.1: Asylum of the Daleks – A First Look

Doctor Who 7, DW7 for short, is coming…

I know, I know. Every day is one day closer to all kinds of brilliant telly. Downton Abbey 3, Sherlock 3, Call the Midwife, Endeavour…. But, one series premiere on both sides of the pond, Doctor Who 7, is so within reach. The five episodes planned for the first half of series 7 (7.1, I guess), are epic. How can they not be when you have Daleks, Dinosaurs, Weeping Angels AND the departure of the Ponds. You also have the introduction of the new companion, Jenna-Louise Coleman and a guest star list that reads like a who’s who of British actors including Richard E. Grant, Rupert Graves and Dame Diana Rigg all adding to the shear epicness of the next installment of Steven Moffat brilliance.

Episode 7.1.1: Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks – and so it begins…

In describing the premiere episode that is ever so close to having a transmission date, only the BBC can create a brief description of an episode that will have everyone running to set the DVR before they finish reading.

Doctor Who 7.1.1: Asylum of the Daleks: Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission – to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter… the Asylum. A planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of their kind, the Doctor and the Ponds must find an escape route. But with Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown, and an army of mad Daleks closing in, it is up to the Doctor to save their lives (isn’t it always), as well as the Pond’s marriage.

Aside from the unnerving visual of an endless number of Daleks in unison saying “Save the Daleks“, the main question that will keep me up at night until the premiere is…what do they mean by “…Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown”? Anyone want to try and get into Steven Moffat’s head?

In: Action/Drama