Swansea grabs November 2 for Doctor Who Day fest

As we all collectively count the days, hours and minutes until 23 November, Doctor Who celebrations and events are beginning to surface around the globe. If you’re in or around Swansea this Autumn and need something to do post-Great British Beer Fest, we’ve got just what you are looking for.

The BBC has already announced their plans to hold a three-day Doctor Who celebration in November 2013 for the show’s 50th anniversary. Thinking that every day should be considered Doctor Who Day in 2013, the city of Swansea has laid claim to 2 November by announcing an official Doctor Who Day as part of their annual Dylan Thomas Festival.

Why Swansea, you ask? Well, remember that in 2004, Doctor Who took on a new,decidedly Welsh dimension when it began to be produced in Cardiff with Swansea-born writer Russell T Davies as screenwriter.

The festival, which celebrates the works of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series with an day-long extravaganza that will include talks by people who’ve helped shape the series over the years and cover subjects such as the origins of the Daleks.

Image courtesy of Mike Collins, Doctor Who comic artist

There will also be an evening appearance from actress Louise Jameson, best known for her role as Leela, Tom Baker’s leather-clad barbarian companion.

Interactive workshops will include a Doctor Who art session for children, lead by Collins, plus a Doctor Who writers panel, including a number of writers behind not only Doctor Who but also Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. In addition, historian Alwyn Turner, a writer whose works include a biography of Terry Nation, ‘The Man Who Invented the Daleks’, will discuss Welsh television writer Terry Nation, the creator of the Daleks

Jo Furber, Swansea Council Literature Officer based at the Dylan Thomas Centre, is understandably excited over the event. “I grew up watching Doctor Who,” she said, “I enjoyed watching Peter Davison and Jon Pertwee and I’m excited to see what new Doctor Peter Capaldi will bring to the role.” “Much of the content has been also been filmed in Swansea and the November event will strengthen our city’s proud links with the programme.”

This years festival should be of particular interest given it leads up to Dylan Thomas’ centenary in 2014. The festival will take place between October 27th and November 9th 2013 and feature a mix of poetry, prose, drama and music while continuing to showcase both new to go until the actual 50th. What a great way to pass the time if you’re a fan of the Doctor,

In: Action/Drama,Drama,Locations