Downton Abbey 4 teaser: A first glimpse at last!

While not quite the day that the whole of Planet Earth has been waiting almost a year for, it is just about the next best thing to sliced bread with the highly-anticipated release of the first video from Downton Abbey 4. This past week, if you were to look up the word ‘tease’ in the dictionary, I have to think you would merely see a link to the first video look at the forthcoming series.

As you can see, actually only hear, the Dowager Countess has some words of wisdom for another character. “You have a straightforward choice before you. You must choose either death or life,” says the Dowager Countess. Unfortunately, we don’t actually see who she’s talking to so we can only assume that it’s probably Lady Mary in light of Matthew’s death. But, since we all know what happens when you assume, let’s recognize she could be speaking to virtually anyone at Downton who are all struggling with the loss along with the entire Downton Abbey viewing nation.

A full series 4 trailer is set to be released today (31 August). Rest assured we’ll add as soon as it becomes available. Hopefully, along with the eagerly-awaited trailer will be the official UK transmission dates in September. With PBS dates set for the premiere on January 5, 2014, and the fact that Sunday is the beginning of September, it’s only a matter of time before the UK will be setting their collective DVR’s. Come to think of it, you’re probably already setting it for Monday’s series 6 premiere of Doc Martin so just hang out a bit, it won’t be long now…

In: Actors/Actresses,Drama
