Sequel to the Five (ish) Doctors Special in the works

Almost completely overlooked amidst all the Doctor Who 50th anniversary hoopla was a brilliant little feature called The Five (ish) Doctors Reboot. The special, which originally aired around the 50th celebration last November, followed Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy as they attempted to land a role in the ‘official’ feature-length 50th episode.

In addition to the three aforementioned Doctors, Eighth Doctor Paul McGann had a cameo in the comedy short alongside a number of familiar faces that have been an integral part of Who history, both past and present, including current show runner, Steven Moffat, along with Russell T Davies, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Olivia Colman and Sean Pertwee.

It was McGann who, in speaking at the Cambridge Union Society, announced that work had already begun on a follow-up to the wildly successful spoof. Sadly, as with most Doctor Who, Sherlock or Downton Abbey stories these days, you get no details, just a tantalizing hint that something will be coming our way soon.

Just in case you have been completely without power since last November, here’s the full version of the Day of the Doctor: Five (ish) Doctors Special Reboot for your viewing pleasure…


In: Actors/Actresses,Drama