Bear with…Miranda Hart pulling the plug on 'Miranda'

Aside from John Cleese and Ricky Gervais, you can probably count on one hand when the star of a British sitcom knows when enough is enough and gets to be the one that actually pulls the plug on their own show. Unfortunately, for show creators, writers and stars, in most cases, they usually find out at the end of a season that their show was not commissioned for another. When that happens, the faithful viewer is left hanging out to dry with a lot of loose ends as those involved in the creation of the series didn’t know the end was coming faster than they had anticipated. All one has to do is look at the early 90’s British sitcom, Mulberry, which ran for two brilliant series and ended without anything even close to a series finale.

Personally, I am, what I call, depressed. Here’s why…

While it’s always sad when a quality series ends for any reason, Miranda viewers should feel a bit of satisfaction (along with being depressed) armed with the knowledge that their favorite series is going out as did Fawlty Towers and The Office…on top. Following a wildly successful premiere on BBC2, it was Miranda Hart’s extremely busy schedule that led to it being a couple of years before we returned to Miranda’s and Stevie’s joke shop to see if she and Gary would ever get together in series 2. Given Hart’s continued commitment to the hit BBC drama, Call the Midwife, production of series three was pushed back even further causing fans to have to “bear with” much longer that usual for a third series. While the most recent series of the brilliantly funny, and what many saw as a throwback to ‘old-school’ British comedy, series aired almost two years ago in the UK, fans have been (im)-patiently waiting for more Miranda. Unfortunately, according to Miranda herself, there will not be a fourth series, only two Christmas specials, which will be filmed next month, and then that will be the end of Miranda, Stevie and Gary.

Hart’s schedule isn’t expected to get any easier as she is set to star in the next series of Call the Midwife, Paul Feig’s upcoming comedy film Spy and potentially a new BBC1 entertainment format not dissimilar to The Generation Game. Look for the next, and last, installment of Miranda to find its way to the small screen at Christmas…hopefully, Christmas 2014 but, I’m guessing 2015!


In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy