Ho! Ho! Ho! It's the first glimpse of the 'Doctor Who Christmas Special'

I know, Halloween is barely in our rear viewer mirror and Thanksgiving is still several weeks away, but it’s time to talk Christmas! Doctor Who Christmas to be exact. While fans who have been following the series closely were privy to the knowledge that Nick Frost would be playing Santa Claus, as it real-life, no one really expected to see jolly St. Nick until Christmas Day.

Considering Saturday’s admittedly bleak ending to series eight, the first in the Peter Capaldi/Twelfth Doctor era, it was more than a welcome sight to hear the Doctor utter the words, “It’s Christmas at the North Pole. Who are you going to call?”, in the quick teaser that followed the finale. While viewers were thrilled, unfortunately, Nick Frost’s Santa Claus doesn’t look all too happy about being disturbed on the busiest day of the year. Rest assured, while the trailer gives us no sign of Clara, who was last seen bidding farewell to the Doctor, Jenna Coleman is confirmed to appear in the Christmas special, which will air Christmas Day on BBC One and BBC America.


In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses