After having ‘The Worst Week of My Life’ and experiencing ‘Death in Paradise’, Ben Miller says, ‘I Want My Wife Back’

Figuratively, not literally, it’s been a rough decade for the characters that Ben Miller has played so brilliantly. In Worst Week of My Life, Ben’s character, Howard Steel, made it standard practice to put himself in absolutely dreadful situations and proceed to make things worse by trying to either put things right or explain what had happened. Howard was the poster child for the phrase, ‘anything that can go wrong, does’.

As DI Richard Poole in the BBC comedy/crime drama, Death in Paradise, Miller quickly found out that even paradise can be your own private hell. ‘Hell’, in DI Poole’s book, because he is trapped on the stunning beautiful but fictional Caribbean island paradise of Saint-Marie battling sun, sea and sand while solving murders while unable to find a proper British cup of tea. Fortunately, for Miller’s character, he was finally voted off the island. Unfortunately, he left with an ice pick in his chest as DI Poole was murdered before the opening credits of episode one of series 3.

Miller now returns for a new BBC One comedy series, I Want My Wife Back, which will reunite him with the writers of The Worst Week Of My Life, Mark Bussell and Justin Sbresni. Sadly, Miller is brilliant portraying characters that have a bit of a dark cloud up above following them wherever they go.  In I Want My Wife Back, Miller stars as Murray, a man who is bewildered and lost when his wife suddenly leaves him. His quest now is to discover what went wrong with his marriage and self-discover how he can change. His screen life is, once again, swimming in perpetual chaos, as he flounders in the dark searching for some resembling of a normal life.

According to the producers at Mainstreet Productions, whom you may remember from yesterdays Tellyspotting post about a new ITV police drama, Unforgotten, that they will also be producing this year, “Murray is a nice guy. Everyone thinks so. He is good to his friends, kind to his colleagues, treats his staff well. He’s a top bloke. So no one is more surprised than Murray when his wife Bex walks out on their marriage. On her 40th birthday, at her surprise party. Murray is confused. What’s he done wrong? Where’s she gone? Is she coming back?

Miller said he is excited about reuniting with his former Worst Week of My Life buddies and thinks that fans of their previous collaboration will enjoy what they see in I Want My Wife Back, saying recently that “…fans of The Worst Week Of My Life will be happy to learn that not much goes right in this one either!”. Thankfully, all seems to be going right in the real world of Ben Miller.



In: Comedy