Comic-Con 2015 gives us first look at ‘Doctor Who 9’

With the opportunity to hit two home runs in one inning, Comic-Con International 2015 in San Diego did not disappoint the crowd on hand. On the heels of yesterdays release of the first trailer for the forthcoming Sherlock one-off special comes the first trailer for Doctor Who 9 which will premiere Saturday, 19 September on BBC One.

“I’m the Doctor, and I save people!”

Thanks to the the great folks over at Digital Spy and their spot-on Comic-Con reporting making you feel like you were actually able to get into Hall H, here’s what we know so far about the new set of Doctor Who episodes as we head into Peter Capaldi’s second full series as The Doctor this Autumn.

1. The Doctor and Clara are still ‘getting to know each other all over again

– “I think we were figuring it out – it was quite experimental,” Jenna Coleman said of last year’s series. “It was like getting to know your best friend all over again – the rules are different, the dynamics are different.” That said, the companion assured fans: “They’re very much a team now.”

2. Peter Capaldi has never been more passionate about a TV show than he is about Doctor Who.

– “It’s the only show I’ve ever been in that I really knew and loved,” explained Capaldi.

3. Michelle Gomez will be back as Missy this year – and she’s crazier than ever!

– “I think he or she or it is everybody’s idea of the best villain you could have,” said Gomez. “It’s kind of like the best friend that you love to hate – she gets to say all the stuff that we think but we’re not allowed to say.”

4. The Doctor and Missy’s friendship is weird. Really, really weird.

– “It’s her life’s purpose to chase after the Doctor and make him understand, ‘No, you started it, I’m right’,” Gomez joked. “You’re getting in the way of me trying to destroy the universe, which I really have to do!

5. The 12th Doctor still hasn’t recovered completely from his regeneration.

– “He doesn’t know who he is,” Capaldi admitted. “He’s a constantly growing character – he’s not a soldier, he’s a good guy. He’d rather there was no violence, he’d rather there was peace – he’d rather sit in the car park at night looking at stars than going to blow up Daleks.

6. Who exactly is Maisie Williams playing?

– While little seems to be known as to who the Game of Thrones star will be playing, the new trailer just might shed a bit of light as we see Maisie pop up at the very end and hint at already knowing The Doctor. As The Doctor stares knowingly at the young girl, Maisie quips: “What took you so long, old man?”

7. A female Doctor isn’t coming any time soon.

– “There is no vacancy,” Moffat told a fan. “You just met Peter Capaldi!

8. The Doctor and Sherlock probably won’t meet.

– “I’m not sure how well they’d get on,” Moffat explained. “Just for the record, I don’t have a problem with them meeting – it’s all of the rest of them that have a problem with it. I’ll do anything for a laugh, I’m a taught.

Doctor Who 9 returns Saturday, 19 September on BBC One

In: Drama