‘Doctor Who’ S10 is a go! What a surprise!

As everyone is preparing for the 19 September premiere of Doctor Who 9 with Peter Capaldi returning as the Twelfth Doctor, you can rest easy knowing that there will be a Doctor Who 10 in your future. As assured as we are that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west, the BBC announced today (rather cryptically, I might add) that another set has been commissioned. I say ‘cryptically’ because the announcement was ceremoniously hidden and/or buried on page 32 of the BBC Worldwide Annual Review. The text of the report, which detailed corporate governance read: “During the year matters under review included plans to launch the global genre brands BBC First in Australia and New Zealand on Foxtel and BBC Brit and BBC Earth in Poland; and investments in The Musketeers S3 and Doctor Who S10. Additionally, during the year we reviewed people policies and development opportunities across the company.

Yes, Virgina, there is a Santa Claus. No need to look out the window to see if that was a pig that just flew by. This is pretty much a given every year. Doctor Who seems to have always been a series that can easily escape the commissioner’s ax as who would ever want to be known as the department head that put the brakes on the TARDIS. Kind of like canceling Blue Peter. Not sure I would want either one on my tombstone either. What is known about S10 is that current showrunner and Sherlock co-creator/writer, Steven Moffat, has signed on for another go but no word yet as to whether or not we’ll see a Thirteenth Doctor or a new companion by series 10. In the meantime, here’s a brilliant look at something that truly is news when it comes to Doctor Who – the first trailer for S9! A must watch all the way to the end. You will thank me later.


In: Action/Drama