Such fun! Patricia Hodge joins cast of “what she calls” Downton Abbey for finale

When Downton Abbey finally closes its’ doors on Friday, 25 December in the UK (Sunday, March 6, 2016 on PBS’ Masterpiece series), they will have a little help from Patricia Hodge, whom British comedy fans will know from her most recent spot-on portrayal of Miranda’s mother, Penny, in the brilliant series, Miranda. Unfortunately, at this point, it’s not known if Hodge will be spending the final days at Downton in ‘what she calls’ upstairs or downstairs.

If that’s not enough to curb your Downton Abbey Separation Anxiety, ITV has recently released a drama teaser for their entire Fall drama output in the coming months. While you might be wondering just how this will soften the blow that we are only weeks and/or months away from the beginning of the last days of Downton, you’ll be happy to know that included in the drama trailer are the first bits of video from the final series of Downton Abbey! Yes, you’ll have to sift through brief clips of Jekyll and Hyde, Unforgiven and others, but there are several bits from the final series of Downton AND there are a few bits from the forthcoming series of Doc Martin so stay with it!!

In: Drama