Heads up UK! Tellyspotting has landed for the ‘To the Manor Born’ – A KERA Tour of England!
Photo: ITV/NBC Universal/PBS
As your head hits the pillow tonight, Tellypotting will have Iceland in our rear-view mirror heading to the UK for the inaugural and, hopefully, annual To the Manor Born – A KERA Tour of England! In partnership with the brilliant folks over at Transcendent Travel, a very enthusiastic group of public television uber-fans will descend on the UK for a trip of a lifetime.
Beginning Monday and continuing over the course of the next week, 30 intrepid British drama and comedy enthusiasts will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see first hand the locations used in the filming of such series favorites as Victoria, Poldark, Downton Abbey, Doc Martin and To the Manor Born, in addition to such iconic places as Hampton Court Palace and The Greenway Estate, the home of author Agatha Christie.
Photo: Mathew Prichard, AgathaChristie.com
From a first day tour of Windsor Castle, it’s then on to Highclere Castle for ‘tea’ followed by tours of Bath, Devon, Port Isaac, back to Sidmouth on the coast of Devon and, finally, returning to London before heading back to the States.
What am I looking forward to the most?
Aside from the obvious of being able to spend time with an amazing group of KERA viewers/members/supporters who are known to enjoy good British comedy or drama every now and then, it will be the opportunity to have tea at Highclere Castle and imagining catching a brief glimpse of the Dowager Countess wandering the halls or Mrs. Patmore holding down the fort in the kitchen, having ‘afternoon cream tea’ at Cricket St. Thomas, a.k.a. the stately home of Audrey fforbes-Hamilton in To the Manor Born seeing in person the picturesque town of Port Isaac, or Portwenn as we have come to know it from Doc Martin and, finally, getting the opportunity to witness the beauty that is the Cornish coastline and imagine Captain Ross Poldark (Aidan Turner or Robin Ellis) riding Seamus like the wind when hearing of an accident at the Poldark family mine.
Photo: BBC/PBS
While daily posting may be challenging at times, we at Tellyspotting will do our best to give readers a start to finish account of our travels. We will, however, make every attempt to break the Instagram universe and post pics and comments on a regular basis so head over the Instagram and follow us at uktelly.
In: Locations,Odds & Sods