A belated Happy National Pi(e) Day, America!
Photo: Bill Young
The first pies appeared around 9500 BC in the Egyptian Neolithic period or New Stone Age. Whether you bake or cook or venture out, National Pi(e) Day is, ultimately, about the enjoyment of eating, what else, pie.
One can never have enough pie be it American or British so, no matter where you are and whether you are a fan of the traditional American ‘pie’ or British ‘pie’, Thursday was National Pi (e) Day here in the U.S. Unfortunately, North American Tellyspotting readers are usually a bit behind their U.K. counterparts as they set aside an entire week devoted to pie.
Also, we may feel a bit short-changed as we only have a day where they have an entire week as British Pie Week 2024 just concluded this past Sunday. Don’t despair, whether it’s a week or a day, grab a fork and dig in, time’s a wasting.
What better time than the present to begin this years celebration and sit down with our own individual favorite variation of traditional American pie. While most, if not the entire celebration that will take place today in the U.S. will be centered around the traditional Apple, Pecan, Pumpkin, Cherry or any one of a number of various Cream Pies, British Pie Week is of particular interest to me as any week that celebrates Shepherd’s Pie is #1 in my book.
For those that believe that pie is one of civilization’s best inventions and is at the center of the universe, we’d love to know how you either chose to celebrate National Pie Day or how will you choose to celebrate the recent British Pie Week…and, we’d love pictures to post of your exploits and/or creations.
Me? While I definitely foresee a slice of Pink Adobe French Apple Pie in my future at some point soon, I will have to precede it with Gordon Ramsay’s brilliant Shepherd’s Pie. Full disclosure, it took me a little longer than 1:46 to make but, then again, I’m not Gordon Ramsay. If you’re up for trying this at home, here’s the recipe and the video.
And what would the celebration be without a trip to London’s oldest and most noted eel and pie house, Manzes – “The Home of Pie ‘n’ Mash”. The last time we had visited was in 2010 during a day off from filming our PBS special on the writers of British comedy.
Established in 1902, Manzes is the oldest eel & pie shop still in business today at 87 Tower Bridge Road. I know you are saying to yourself, “…how many can there be so, of course, it has to be the oldest”. Well, at one time, there were 14 alone with the name Manzes on the door. This original Tower Bridge Road location has persevered and, considering the shop next door was totally bombed out during World War II and Manzes had their front facade blown out, this distinction takes on a little added meaning.
M. Manze Eeel & Pie House. Photo: Bill Young
Sadly, I didn’t have the nerve to order the jellied eels and pie and stuck with pie and mash. I’ll save that for another day when I really need a huge diversion. Trying to cut back on eel anyway as much as I can. In any case, a ‘Happy Pi(e) Day’ to all.
Thankfully, last year’s British Pie Week did not have the controversy that surrounded the 2016 competition as a British pastry, of all things, won the overall pie competition — a Beef Skirt & Vegetable Pastie by A.F. Huddleston Butchers. Critics of the judges decision said it was “…a sad day for pie fans worldwide“.
With judging just concluded, the ‘Supreme Champion 2024’ is the Minted Wensleydale Lamb & Potato Pie and you can click here for a complete list of 2024 British Pie Week award winners.
Remember, no matter where you are today, “It’s all about the Pie”…even if it’s a Turmeric Pi(e). Send pics of how you celebrated or of your creations. We’ll post them on the Tellyspotting flickr page for all the world to see.
In: Odds & Sods