• Celebrating National Sandwich Day 2023 with the pride of Great Britain!

    If you find yourself finally winding down your National Cat Day 2023 celebration and wondering what you will be doing next to fill the void, not to worry! Today (Friday, November 3) was National Sandwich Day in the States so, if you’re like me and you need a well-deserved break from well, most everything from 2020, and are wondering […]

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  • Norwegian Blue — Dead Parrot or Best Cheese of 2023…or both?

    Monty Python’s “Dead Parrot Sketch”, one of the most famous of the sketches in the television comedy series Monty Python’s Flying Circus, was written by Graham Chapman and John Cleese and first performed by Cleese and Michael Palin in December 1969. Known for its beautiful plumage, the remarkable Norwegian Blue prefers ‘keeping on its back’ and, […]

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  • Remembering Ian ‘Spats’ Picken, Chef extraordinaire!

    There’s a simultaneous joy and danger to cleaning out drawers and files as, good or bad, you never know what you might run across. In this case, it was pure joy to stumble onto a memory from our time attending the annual BBC Showcase in Brighton from the mid-90s to the mid-2000s. Each year, 500 […]

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  • ‘Killing Sherlock: Lucy Worsley on the Case of Conan Doyle’ heads to BBC/PBS

    Unfortunately, it’s not a new series of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman but, for my money, it’s the next best thing as the brilliant Lucy Worsley will tackle the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and his literary creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in an upcoming 3-part documentary. Doyle came to hate Holmes and killed him […]

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  • Revisiting the greatness of ‘Desert Island Discs’

    Much like a periodic viewing of It’s a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown’s Christmas, Casablana and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, I have to revisit the greatness that is Desert Island Discs every so often just to ground myself . Having celebrated its’ 80th birthday on 29 January, 2022, BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs is perhaps the coolest show […]

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  • Day 4: KERA’s All Creatures Tour descends on York

    While visions of Betty’s Tea Room, the National Railway Museum and getting the energy to walk the 2.5 miles of ancient walls that circle the of York were all part of the plan for a free afternoon, the morning of our first day in York was reserved for an historic tour of Yorkminster, one of […]

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