Posted November 16, 2013 -
The world is down to mere days before the calendar strikes 23.11.13 and the 50th anniversary broadcast of The Day of the Doctor. With anticipation reaching epic proportions for the worldwide broadcast, several new trailers were released last week to up the ante even further. Now, in true Steven Moffat fashion, comes a mini-episode (minisode, […]
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Posted November 9, 2013 -
There was joy in Mudville recently with the news from the BBC that the brilliant crime series, Broadchurch, had been commissioned for a second series. Following the series’ critical acclaim and audience success, this would seem to have been a no-brainer but with the streets littered with only one season of the likes of The […]
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Posted November 7, 2013 -
At long last, the BBC has revealed a few bits and bobs with regards to that anniversary coming up in just over two weeks for a little-known science fiction series named Doctor Who celebrating its brief 50 years in existence. Seems as though the Doctor’s ‘greatest adventure’ will see the likes of murderous plots, ancient […]
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Posted October 20, 2013 -
As 99.9% of Planet Earth is keenly aware, An Adventure in Space and Time, the 50th anniversary biopic written by Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss and starring David Bradley as the first Doctor William Hartnell, charts the sci-fi drama’s early years. In addition to Bradley, also cast are Claudia Grant as Carole Ann Ford, who […]
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I guess when the track record of remaking British telly brilliance by American television networks is what it is for as far as the eye can see, nothing surprises you with regards to what gets remade and what lengths producers will go to to trick it up to try and attract an audience. The […]
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The Tardis lands in San Diego at Comic-Con Not to be outdone by Sherlock, it was all Doctor Who as San Diego Comic-Con 2013 came to a close on Sunday. As with the earlier Sherlock panel, there were more than enough spoiler hints and teases to keep those that had been camping out for almost […]
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As most UK readers are acutely (and sadly) aware, David Tennant playing Richard II is one of the hottest tickets in town with every performance of the new Shakespeare production sold out. That’s the bad news. Not to worry, there’s good news to follow… The most recent production of Richard II, which was announced back […]
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Doctor Who 7 is now in everyone’s rear view mirror with the finale airing on BBC One and BBC America this past Saturday. If you haven’t seen last weeks finale to DW7, do not hit play on the video below. That said, once you have, this is so brilliant. Feel free replay over and over […]
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After spending the day on Monday filming at the Tower of London, cast and crew of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary, including the TARDIS, moved to another historic London landmark on Tuesday, Trafalgar Square. Even though storylines are being kept close to the vest, large crowds gathered to watch the stars of the longest running […]
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In the true definition of “This just in, it was announced earlier today just hours before tonight’s return of Doctor Who on BBC America, that both David Tennant and Billie Piper (the Doctor’s companion, Rose Tyler) will join current Doctor and companion, Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, in the 50th anniversary special, which begins filming […]
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