Posted December 17, 2011 -
Sunday, 11 March, 2012 is the day to celebrate the man who gave us life, the universe and everything. The Apollo Hammersmith in London (Planet Earth) is the place to be for the birthday party of all birthday parties. Greats from the world of science, comedy and music will come together for an evening of entertainment […]
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Over the past several months there seems to have been a number of well-deserved programs revisiting classic British comedy series such as the celebration of the 30th anniversary of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, a look at the early days of Morcambe and Wise and the return of Ronnie Corbett in The One Ronnie. For my […]
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Posted December 30, 2010 -
Unbeknownst to David Frost, he was key to laying the groundwork for one of the greatest British comedy duos of all time. After inviting both Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker to work on his new show, The Frost Report, it was a quick fill-in appearance by the duo to cover a technical issue during a 1970 […]
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Posted November 8, 2010 -
For several years, Matthew Stadlen has had the good fortune of being able to sit down with many notables worldwide including many British television and comedy favorites. Think of it as Robert Llewellyn’s Carpool without the car and the tenseness of having to navigate London traffic while conducting an interview. Five Minutes With… is a […]
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One can only imagine, if even only for a brief moment, what our available British comedy viewing choices would be today had the BBC acted on their early feelings regarding Monty Python’s Flying Circus. According to this article in theTelegraph, documents obtained last year under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that BBC management found […]
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Ever wanted to know the difference between a good argument and a bad one? Think you know how to identify and evaluate arguments? Now you can learn all about arguments including the nature of, the different types, argument logic and how not to mistake bad arguments for good ones thanks to the University of Oxford. […]
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Lots of bits & bobs or odds & sods coming our way over the last couple of weeks concerning our favorite pastime, British television. Thought I’d go through a quick bit of scattershooting to give everyone updates on current series, answer some mailbag questions that have come in and impart some basic little known or […]
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Combining their unique ability to create “best-of” lists for just about anything with their definite love for the small screen, the British have done it again. This time, it’s Britain’s favorite television shopkeeper. According to a recent poll conducted by consumer watchdog, Which, and reported on in WalesOnline, Ronnie Barker’s portrayal of Arkwright in Open […]
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A quick update to an October 2009 post from Tellyspotting as you make plans to travel to the UK this summer. This just in from the other side of the pond – think about Peckham if you’re a fan of Only Fools and Horses. As reported in The Guardian, the British are way ahead of […]
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With the FA Cup final just around the corner (Wembley Stadium, London, on 15 May), I thought it only appropriate to revisit what many consider to be the second greatest moment in English football history. The Guardian reports in this article by Julian Baggini, editor of Philosophers’ Magazine, that, on 9 May, Python, philosophy and […]
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