Spooks: What we've learned in 10 years

To the lucky ones on the planet in the UK sitting down in front of the telly tonight at 9:00pm with the enviable viewing choice of either the new seaon of ITV’s Downton Abbey or the final season of Spooks on BBC One.

The Guardian put it best by saying that, “…in Downton Abbey, you have period frocks, sumptuous interiors and a cast that includes Dame Maggie Smith being brilliantly acidic. There are longing stares, honourable but painful decisions, and just enough intrigue to grip you, but not leave you gasping to keep up. Basically, it’s a posh soap.

Spooks is a completely different animal. Overall, the brilliant MI5-based series is a hard one, if not impossible, to describe. Again, the Guardian to the rescue with a bit of a tongue-in-cheek recap of what we’ve learned over the last 10 years from the best show on television. Here are a few from the ‘Tao of Spooks’ for you to consider as you settle in with the great Sir Harry Pearce….one last time:

  • Harry will never die
  • All other members of Section D will die…
  • ….but some might come back to life
  • Big glass offices with brilliant views of London are available almost exclusively for rent by evil organizations
  • If you’re not having a breakdown, you’re probably not doing your job properly
  • .
    Click here for a complete list of everything the brilliance of Spooks has taught us over the last 10 years with accompanying explanations. Have a great night if you’re watching in the UK.

    In: Action/Drama,Drama