How about a ‘Red Dwarf’ themed Valentine’s Day e-card for that special someone?

As you read this, if you are near a full-blown panic this morning at the thought of not having a Valentine’s card for that special someone today, fear not. At Tellyspotting, we’ve got your back. You might remember a couple of years ago when we were totally thinking of your well-being and brought you some Downton Abbey-themed Valentines that you could download and fire off via e-mail like you had been planning this for months. Unfortunately, these are no longer available on the Internets, but we have the perfect replacement, thanks to the great minds over at ‘the Small Rouge One’, Red Dwarf. You might think that Lister, Rimmer, Kryten, Cat and even Kochanski are a bit on the higher side of the cynical scale when it comes to Valentine’s Day but I think you might be surprised. That said, I wouldn’t bet against the notion that Cat has probably sent himself a Valentine’s card every year.

Once you’re on the the official Red Dwarf siteTo send one of the cards, click on the image of your choice (there are SIX!), then on the larger version that pops up, right-click and choose “Save Image” to save a copy locally on your computer that you can then attach to an email. Alternatively, if you choose “Copy Image”, you can then paste the e-card directly into the body of an email from your clipboard. They’re also great for sharing on the new-fangled social media that all you youngsters seem to be using these days.

And then there is obligatory ‘small print’… takes no responsibility for any relationship breakdowns, restraining orders or proposals of marriage that may be incurred as a result of sending Red Dwarf e-cards. Send ’em at your own risk.

FYI, if anyone wants to send me the Kochanski one, I’m ok with that. Happy Valentines Day to all!

In: Odds & Sods