Old Guys find home on PBS stations

Clive Swift (Richard from Keeping Up Appearances) and Roger Lloyd Pack (Owen in Vicar of Dibley) have teamed up for a new British comedy, The Old Guys, coming to public televison stations in 2010. Jane Asher plays Sally, the neighbor that definitely recognizes that both Roy and Tom are attracted to her and tends to use it to her advantage. Asher is known to PBS audiences for roles in both Agatha Christie’s Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries in addition to roles in Brideshead Revisited and Rumpole of the Bailey. Series one has completed and was recently broadcast on BBC One and series two has been commissioned for production and broadcast next Fall.

Not so Grumpy Old Men

Having seen several of the episodes, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Grumpy Old Men with Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and Ann-Margaret. That said, The Old Guys is definitely much more of a show about friendship and “life after 60” as opposed to the lifelong feud between Lemmon and Matthau that only got worse when Ann-Margaret moves in across the street. It’s great to see both Swift and Pack together.  Look for The Old Guys in early 2010 on many public television stations.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy