Happy 2010 from Tellyspotting!

Can’t tell you what a blast this has been so far since the beginning of Tellyspotting. It’s hard to believe it’s only been three months since the initial post on October 1. Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone that has followed us on @tellyspotting, has accessed the blog whether it be once a week, once a day or even once, has linked to us from other blogs or websites, commented, thought about commenting or possibly mentioned us to others that might be interested.

To give you an idea of what we have been able to accomplish so far with your help and support, we currently have regular readership in 48 of the 50 United States and have been read in over 50 countries around the world. As you can imagine, Texas is the #1 region from a traffic standpoint with England #2. How cool is that!

Hopefully, you have seen or read something over the course of the last three months that made you smile or laugh. Lots a great plans for Tellyspotting in my head in the coming year, but would rather hear from everyone what you’d like to see or read from the blog. Maybe other people you’d like to hear from, etc. E-mail me at tellyspotting@kera.org and let me know what you’d like to see in 2010.

Thanks to Brooke, Jessica, Julie, Paul, Anglophilesouth, Jack, Cindy, Bean, Jackie, Wally, Adam, Kay, Susan, Carol, Julius, Pam, Sarah, Rob, Lisa, Melissa, April, Mark, Robert, Lauren, CC and everyone else for keeping the conversation going with really insightful comments or thoughts. Thanks to everyone for the RT’s on Twitter and thanks to everyone that has participated in the “stuff” giveaways. Thanks to everyone that just reads the blog daily without commenting. Again, hope you smile or laugh when reading. I couldn’t do this without all of you.

Stop now before it becomes a pledge break

I’ll simply say Happy 2010 and leave you with this for the New Year. I believe it explains it all.

In: Comedy