Torchwood next up in the great American re-make sweepstakes

In, yet another attempt to take a great British series and “Americanize” it, Torchwood has drawn the short straw. I have two words for the particulars putting this together….Red Dwarf. Oh, and Coupling. Oh, yeah, three more words. Life On Mars. Learn from these attempted re-make mistakes. Anyone think of other failed attempts at American re-makes like the numerous versions of Fawlty Towers?

hrphotosstylus121838-torchwood_341.jpgThe encouraging news is that the original UK production team, including writer, Russell T. Davis, will be involved along with executive producers Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter from the beginning. And, word is that John Barrowman, who plays Capt. Jack Harkness, will be in the cast. Early signs point to a much more global story line as opposed to the London-based nature of the original series.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses