Who's your favorite British comedy couple of all-time?

While we’re all still in the Valentines Day mood, I got to thinking that most, if not all of our collective favorite British comedy series center around couples. Each week viewers have been treated to the ups, downs, challenges, conflicts, tensions and situations where we have either wondered how on earth they got together in the first place, remained together for so many years or if they will EVER get together.

So, over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll focus on one famous British comedy couple a day that will culminate in an on-line poll on Saturday, February 13 to where you can vote for your favorite all-time British comedy couple with the winner announced on Valentines Day. Some may be very clear, some not so apparent. That’s the advantage I have in that I get to make up the rules. First up….

Couple #1 – To the Manor Born

images.jpgWho can forget the long-awaited show that was, at one time, the highest rated show in the U.K. when Audrey fforbes-Hamilton and Richard DeVere eventually married. You know the story. Upper-class Audrey has to move out of the manor after the death of her husband. Millionaire outsider, Richard, moves into the manor which causes a lengthy love-hate relationship over the years culminating in the series finale where they get married. To refresh your memory of Richard and Audrey…

Remember, your favorite couple can’t win if you don’t vote!

Don’t forget to hang with us for the next couple of weeks and then please vote for your favorite on Saturday, February 13.

So, if you are playing along at home, Couple #1 – Richard DeVere (Peter Bowles) and Audrey fforbes-Hamilton (Penelope Keith). At this point, I have the couples mapped out as to who we are going to feature, but feel free to try and convince me to include or delete as you see fit. Also, with comments, feel free to try and influence others to vote for your favorite when the polls open. See you tomorrow when we feature couple #2.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy