Yes Minister…30+ years and still relevant

Max Headroom was created some 20+ years ago and is more relevant today than it was in the 80’s.

Similarly, it’s hard to believe that it’s been over 30 years since co-creators, Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn wrote the unbelievably brilliant British comedy, Yes Minister, that is also more relevant today than when it originated. Lynn and Jay created brilliance out of a simple idea of, essentially, as the writers put it, three elderly men sitting around talking about government.

Of particular interest in the clip below, was the re-telling of the early days by both writers how the series was actually written in 1979 before a very pivotal election in the UK between Margaret Thatcher and James Callaghan. The BBC seemed quite concerned that the series would premiere during the election and touch on an issue that could sway the vote one way or another. The BBC decided to delay the series premiere until after the Thatcher victory and aired in 1980.

Two priceless moments in the clip. One being when Sir Nigel Hawthorne remembers crossing paths with the Queen and the other, hearing the writers and actors sentiments towards the end about a request from #10 Downing Street from Margaret Thatcher.

The combination of the writing that was absolute perfection and the brilliance that was Paul Eddington, Sir Nigel Hawthorne and Derek Fowlds makes this a classic for years to come and one, that I hope, will never be re-made.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy