Stephen Fry's wit next up on the Tellyspotting Summer Book Club list

This just in from the weather center. Next Wednesday, we could see only double-digit temperatures. Okay, the high is supposed to be 98 degrees, but that’s still double digits. With the cold front not expected to hit until sometime early Wednesday morning, there’s still time for some more summer reading. Hopefully, you had a chance to pick up our first recommendation, The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. Me? I’m almost done so it’s just about time to move on to our next offering. Up next in our end of summer reading club list, The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry.

The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry

– This is the second novel (and one of many) by, Stephen Fry, who many consider the Oscar Wilde of the 21st Century. Doesn’t disappoint as all Fry’s twisted wit comes in to play with a very odd plot, bizarre characters, strange detective work and things you just have to read because there’s no description. If you find this is to your liking and you still have some summer left, check out The Liar (Fry’s first novel), Making History (set partly in an alternative universe where Adolf Hitler’s father is made infertile and his replacement proves a rather more effective Führer), or The Ode Less Traveled. If you really want an interesting read, try Fry’s own early memoir, written in 1999, Moab is My Washpot.

We’ll have one more for you next Sunday by another familiar British comedy writer/star. Here’s a hint…Blackadder, Thin Blue Line and The Young Ones. Stay tuned…

In: Mystery