British comedy cars want equal time on top-10 list

You  might remember of our earlier in the week mention of the top-10 television and screen hotels where the ultimate British comedy ‘hotel from hell’ topped the list, seems now that the automobile wants equal time. Interestingly enough, British comedy is also featured prominently in this list compiled by Chrises Cars.

For those playing along at home, the you’ll recognize two very familiar vehicles that made the top-10. Coming in at #10 from Only Fools and Horses, Del Boy and Rodney Trotters 3-Wheeler Reliant Regal. At #9, from Mr. Bean, the ultimate Mini.

Sadly, for me, the three that are conspicuously absent from the list are Onslow’s sputtering Ford Cortina from Keeping Up Appearances, Basil’s Austin 1100 Estate from Fawlty Towers (after all, it withstood that damn good thrashing) and Red Dwarf‘s Carbug. Admittedly, the Carbug appeared in only three episodes, but it still was a memorable three weeks.

Here’s your chance to agree or disagree with the top-10 list. Either way, create your own list of top TV and screen automobiles. Polls are open….

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In: Odds & Sods