Friday's Felicity time on Strictly Come Dancing

UK viewers, set your DVR’s for Friday, 1 October at 9:00p on BBC One and repeated Saturday, 2 October at 6:00p. It’s Strictly Come Dancing time with the program’s first live installment of the 2010 competition.  While we, in the States, won’t have access to the program, bookmark tellyspotting as the place to come to get updates on the competition as it unfolds and also to keep track of one of our favorite contestants in the 2010 competition, Felicity Kendal (Good Life, Rosemary and Thyme).

As we’ve been tracking, you’ll remember Felicity is taking her participation in SCD very seriously and has gone through a pretty strict training regime. And as you’ll see below, her partner Vincent Simone’s comment about her potential problem of training in flat shoes gave her the perfect qualified excused absence from training to grab that perfect pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes for the Latin competition. Again, Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw character from Sex and the City would be so proud.

Here’s a quick early glimpse of Felicity with her professional dancing partner. Having made it to the finals in 2008, this just may be the year for he and celebrity partner, Felicity.

FYI, today is the first anniversary of Tellyspotting. It was Oct 1, 2009 that we decided it was ‘Time for Tellyspotting’. Hope you’ve enjoyed it so far. I definitely have. Thanks to everyone that has commented, e-mailed, linked to, re-tweeted, bookmarked and, generally, just spread the word. I really do appreciate it.

In: Actors/Actresses,Music