Behind the Britcom at BBC Television Centre

In London Sunday, taping the host portions of the upcoming PBS special, Behind the Britcom: From Script to Screen at BBC Television Centre. The cool thing is that we are taping in Studio TC8 which was home to the likes of Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Good Life, Keeping Up AppearancesAre You Being Served and As Time Goes By, in addition to about every other British comedy known to man over the last 30+ years.

Our day started around 8:00am at BBC Television Centre arriving at the same time as Alice Cooper was arriving to record the BBC2 sitcom, Miranda, starring Miranda Hart, which was taping in Studio 4 later in the day. Have to say, even though it was 8a, it was pretty cool to be in the presence of Alice Cooper, even if just a momentary brush with greatness. Sadly, we didn’t realize until much later that he was playing at the London RoundHouse on Halloween Night headlining Alice Cooper’s Night of Fear. A true brush with greatness.

Spent most of the day and evening taping host wraps with Philip Bretherton (Alistair, As Time Goes By) and Moira Brooker (Judith, As Time Goes By) for the special, which is set to premiere in March 2011 on PBS stations nationwide. Without question, two of the most professional, big-time troopers that we have been involved with over the years. Philip and Moira not only did a superb job with the host bits, but will be interviewed for the show offering insights and comments on Bob Larbey (As Time Goes By, Mulberry and Good Neighbors) along with thoughts on the importance of writing when it comes to successful British comedies.

Also this trip, we caught up with the genius minds behind the BBC/PBS hit mini-series, Sherlock, and a quick interview with co-creators/co-writers, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, producer, Sue Vertue and the actor that brilliantly brought Sherlock’s mind into the 21st century onscreen, Benedict Cumberbatch. Some great ‘inside baseball’ as to what it was like to meld the genius Sherlock brain with a smartphone and a blog.

Photos from the shoot to follow on the Tellyspotting flickr page in days to come along with more on the Sherlock interviews. Until then, boarding a plane for the 10 hour flight back to the States. See you soon with more info on the taping and general update regarding the Behind the Britcom: From Script to Screen show for PBS, March 2011. Cheers.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy,Locations