The Office — U.S. or UK?

As much as I have always liked the American version of The Office, I have to take exception with the Telegraph’s Ceri Radford and her planting of the flag for the American version versus the British original.

Admittedly, the American version of The Office comes as close to being as good as the original British version as has any since the last, and only, successful British comedy re-make which was Till Death Do Us Part (All in the Family). Might be an unfair statement to make about the other qualified success of Steptoe and Son as I have not seen but a few episodes of either it or the American version, Sanford and Son. Of what I’ve seen, the British version is decidedly better.

I do agree with Ceri in her assessment that the American version gives us the greatness of Dwight Schrute. To me, he is the American Office. If you aren’t familiar with Dwight, here’s an example of genius.

Even with Dwight, there’s no comparison between David Brent and Michael Scott. I’m staying with my original assessment. The British version is far superior to the American version. Here’s your chance to register your vote.

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If you happen to be the one person left on the planet that is unfamiliar with either version, here’s a quick look at The Office: In Pictures.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy