2011 resolution: Say no to American re-makes

Seeing as though we’re only days away from another questionable American remake of a really well-done British television import, I thought I’d immediately put in the request for my first 2011 New Year’s resolution. You know the drill. Have written about this many times. Readers in the UK, I apologize for taking up space and time today, as you’re fortunate enough to not have to suffer through these attempts.

Instead of the traditional rant, if a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say, imagine what a video is worth. I’ve decided to spread the wealth today and not pick on any one network as they all have had a hand in re-making shows that they had no business commissioning or producing. Why again? Because I’ve seen one too many promos on Syfy over the New Year’s weekend for the American version of Being Human. I just had to speak up….

Being Human (Syfy)


The Prisoner (AMC)

Coupling (NBC)

Coupling (BBC greatness vs. NBC cancelled after three episodes)

Fawlty Towers


Red Dwarf

Top Gear (History Channel)


I rest my case. I won’t even mention the ill-fated US versions of The IT Crowd or Vicar of Dibley that have been rumored to be in the works. My newest slogan that I hope to see this year on a bumper sticker…Just say no to Doctor Who, Torchwood and Spooks (MI5) USA in 2011. Anyone else remember an il-fated attempt at a US version?

In: Comedy