British comedy scattershooting on a Monday….

Survived the first snowstorm of 2011, a whopping 2 inches (insert laughter from Colorado readers here) after all was said and done. Time for a periodic look around the horn at what’s happening in the world of British comedy, British television and the actors/actresses you’ve come to know and love over the years.

  • Can’t save the best for last as this is more than the best news of all just learned. According to the Sunday Express TV Editor, Spooks (MI5) has been commissioned for a 10th series. This makes my year and it’s only the 10th of January. FYI, for those readers in North Texas, KERA will begin series 9 on Thursday, 14 April 2011.
  • On the heels of Colin Firth’s brilliant performance in The King’s Speech, comes Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, a film I’m really intrigued about. For one, the cast assembled is stellar with Gary Oldman, Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock). Second, there’s a lot to live up to given the previous television adaptation of the 1974 John le Carre novel where Sir Alec Guinness’ portrayal of the semi-retired George Smiley was perfection.
  • Now that episode one of series one of Downton Abbey has been broadcast on PBS in the States, the inquiries will probably begin in the AM about plans for a second series. According to Hugh Bonneville’s website, filming for series two will take place Feburary-July 2011. If things play out as they did this past year, look for series 2 to premiere in the UK in the Fall of 2011 with a January 2012 premiere on PBS in the U.S.
  • At the risk of seeming a bit like TMZ or Access Hollywood, David Tennant, the 10th Doctor, was just recently engaged to Georgia Moffett. You may not know the name, but the Doctor Who connection will be familiar. Ms. Moffett did play the Doctor’s daughter, Jenny, in a 2008 episode, but, that’s not the only connection. Ms. Moffett’s father in real-life is none other than the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, who played the Traveling Time Lord from 1981-1984.
  • As if the upcoming Jane Eyre and My Week with Marilyn aren’t enough for 2011, Dame Judi Dench has signed on for an as of yet unnamed role in Clint Eastwood’s newest endeavor, J.EDGAR. The film will also star Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role and Charlize Theron as Helen Gandy, Hoover’s personal secretary.

That’s enough trolling around the Internets for today. If you find something of interest, send my way and I’ll give a great big shout out next round of scattershooting….

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses,Comedy,Drama