Coen Bros. to remake British comedy caper, Gambit

For my money, it was enough to hear that the Coen Brothers had targeted, for re-make, the classic 1966 British comedy caper film, Gambit, which starred the brilliant Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine, that I immediately pencil in for 2012 as a must see.  Now, with Colin Firth on board as the London art curator performing his own Robert Vaughn imitation from Hustle and the addition of the great Alan Rickman, this is a no-brainer.

Cameron Diaz also stars as the Texas steer roper (figures), who is part of the long-con working with Firth, as the granddaughter of a man who liberated the painting at the end of World War II.

You may remember the original as Caine tries to con a wealthy art collector in to buying a fake Monet. If not, you can see the entire film here. FYI, filming begins in London in May with a tentative 2012 release so be on the lookout. If you’re nearby, take pictures and send our way for posting.

In: Action/Drama,Comedy