Ten teachable moments for tonight's Doctor Who

Last week’s premiere episode of series 6 of Doctor Who titled “The Impossible Astronaut” has set a brilliant stage for this week’s epic part 2 conclusion, “Day of the Moon“. Still in America, with the FBI on their heels, this week’s episode is more Steven Moffat brilliance just waiting to happen.

Before you watch, here are 10 teasers as compiled by the folks over at Digital Spy that will get you thinking about what might be waiting for you at the other end of tonight’s episode.

1. There’s a touch of the 2000 film Memento about this episode.

2. “You’re building me the perfect ****** and it still won’t be enough!”

3. The Tardis swimming pool plays a vital role in a daring escape attempt.

4. Watch out for a terrifically creepy performance from Kerry Shale, who plays the disturbed Dr. Renfrew.

5. At least one of the shocking twists from last week’s episode is called into question, but who can The Doctor really trust?

6. If you don’t feel sorry for Rory at least once while watching this episode, then you’re truly heartless.

7. Speaking of Rory, if you’ve been wondering whether he remembers his 2000 years as Amy’s plastic guardian, then this episode provides a definitive answer.

8. “Night terrors…with a hotline to the White House.”

9. The Doctor has a new experience, while River does something for the very last time.

10. The final scene contains an absolutely shocking twist.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses