Hugh Laurie has the Blues "Down by the River"

Ok, fine, we all know he’s the highest paid actor on U.S. television, but it’s still going to be a busy week for the brilliance that is Hugh Laurie. Not only will his debut CD, “Let Them Talk”, be released today in the UK, but this coming Sunday, 15 May, ITV in the UK will air Hugh Laurie: Down by the River, showcasing his lifelong passion for blues music. “…River, produced by longtime friend and comedy partner Stephen Fry’s production company, will chronicle Laurie’s journey to New Orleans where he will attempt to explore both the roots and inspirations for the jazz and blues music he has wrapped himself around for much of his 51 years. Here’s a brief glimpse of the new CD and how it came to be….

Laurie reiterated recently that he is a lifelong fan of the blues, ever since hearing “I Can’t Quit You Baby” by Willie Dixon as a child. “I’m embarrassed to say I don’t recall where I was when I heard that John Lennon had been assassinated,” he said, “but I do remember where I was when I heard Muddy Waters had died. I was driving down the A1 from Lincolnshire and had this awful, selfish reaction: ‘Now I’ll never get to see him play live’.” Guests on the CD, which releases today, include some big ticket names from the music world, including Dr. John, Irma Thomas and Sir Tom Jones.

Hugh Laurie: Down by the River, the documentary, has its’ UK premiere on Sunday, 15 May, on ITV with a U.S. premiere on PBS later this year as part of the Great Performances series. Clear out your DVR.

In: Actors/Actresses,Music