Germany officially the least funniest country in the world!

With sincere apologies to the supreme German, Dirk Nowitski, I get Germany being crowned the least funniest country in the world in a recent international survey conducted by But….how in the world can Britain be listed as the #4 least funny? Never mind the fact that Britain finished more boring than America, how about the fact it placed #4 only because Russia and Turkey were tagged as #2 and #3, respectively.

Lloyd Price, the spokesman for, which carried out the survey said: “Germans are brilliant at so many things, including making cars and beating us at football. Unfortunately telling jokes isn’t always one of them.”. He added, “….if we’re no good at football and no good at comedy either, it’s a bit of a pie in the face for us.”

I would have thought maybe the judges watched this clip just prior to voting which would explain crowning Germany as the winner, but that would not account for Britain finishing #4. That would be like Ishtar winning the Oscar for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Oh, well, there’s always next year. C’mon, people of Britain, rise up, be funny.

FYI, the top ten least witty countries according to the survey were:

1 Germany
2 Russia
3 Turkey
4 Britain
5 America
6 France
7 Poland
8 Belgium
9 Holland
10 Canada

In: Comedy,Odds & Sods