Sunday bits and bobs with the Doctor, Downton Abbey and more….

Torchwood —> Doctor Who = Yes
Doctor Who —> Torchwood = No

We’ve seen and heard a lot in recent weeks from various particulars involved in both series that there’s a good possibility of seeing Torchwood’s Captain Jack Harkness in an upcoming Doctor Who episode. Now, in a recent interview, Doctor Who series exec, Steven Moffat, has made it quite clear that the opposite scenario is not a possibility. Arguing that the Traveling Time Lord would not be an appropriate addition to the more adult spinoff series, Moffat told TVLine, “The Doctor could never go to Torchwood. Doctor Who has a tremendous relationship with children in Britain. They’d want to watch Torchwood then, and it’s not really a children’s show.”

Matt Smith’s Doctor at bit like Patrick Troughton?

Explaining that he loved the peculiar nature of the Second Doctor, Smith stated recently, “I love Patrick Troughton. Troughton’s 1967 series of episodes, ‘Tomb of the Cybermen’, is one of my favorite stories. It’s so creepy,” he told Newsarama. “What I think is wonderful about Troughton is he’s weird and peculiar but he never asks you to find him weird and peculiar. He was a great actor. And I think the Cybermen are as scary as they’ve ever been in that one story.” With Troughton portraying the Doctor from 1966-1969 and seeing Smith’s portrayal, it’s pretty clear that the current incarnation of the Doctor did a bit of studying prior to boarding the Tardis.

Downton Abbey – forget season two, let’s play six….

While we sit patiently on both sides of the pond and await series two of Downton Abbey, series executive producer Gareth Neame let it be known in a recent interview that the combined critically acclaimed and audience mega-hit could easily run for six series (hope someone mentions this to writer, Julian Fellowes). Sounding a bit like LeBron James’ declaration of the number of NBA titles that he would bring to the city of Miami, Neame went on to say, “I think it can continue for series four, five and six! It could move up to the 1930s, as long as the audience wants it.

Personally, I think we here at tellyspotting speak for everyone when we say that the audience definitely wants it. In the meantime, can series two hurry up and get here? We can worry about series four, five and six later.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses,Drama