Happy Great British Beer Festival 2011 to all!

We (or you) may already be several days into the 2011 Great British Beer Festival, but there’s still plenty of beer and plenty of time to sample over 1000 different real ales, ciders and foreign beers from around the world. So much for the saying, so much beer, so little time. In the case of the GBBF, there’s still plenty of time, and plenty of beer. Now through Saturday at Earl’s Court, London, the Great British Beer Festival, which has the distinction of being Britain’s biggest beer festival, saw about 70,000 people come through the doors in 2010, so bring your glass and your thirst and head over to Earl’s Court today or tomorrow.

CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale), the organizing body of the festival who proudly boasts that it has campaigned for “real ale, pubs and drinkers rights since 1971”, kicked off the festivities on Tuesday with Stephen Fry being named as the person I would most like to have a pint with at the Great British Beer Festival 2011. Highest female vote getters were Kate Middleton and Lady Gaga, who placed 11th on the list. Go figure on that one.

Hopefully, many of you were able to drop by Thursday for the 7th annual Hat Day at the GBBF. It’s a sight to see and experience at least once in everyone’s lifetime. 5000 miles away? Not to worry. If you’re just a bit outside the immediate area of Earl’s Court, there’s no reason you can’t celebrate long distance from wherever you are. There’s also a webcam where you can virtually be a part of the festivities. You won’t be able to tell the players, or the beer, without a program so pick one up here.  Cheers.


In: Locations,Odds & Sods