Tinker Tailor – UK, September 16. U.S., now December 9 :(

As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. Unfortunately, U.S. audiences will have to wait just a bit longer as it turns out which, obviously, means Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, starring Colin Firth, Gary Oldman and Benedict Cumberbatch, is really worth waiting for. On the good news/bad news front, what has been widely reported for some time as having a 16 September premiere, turns out now the film will not be released in U.S. until December 9. How can this possibly be the good news, you’re asking? Well, this is what usually happens when producers and studios feel extra good about a film and want to give it a better push during Oscar time. TTSP is still on track for its 16 September release in the UK so, please please, let us know how it is asap. Me? I’m definitely there on December 9.


In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses