Red Dwarf X rumor control from those in the know

Rampant rumors have been circulating around the internets this past week, many the direct result of a Craig Charles appearance last week on ITV This Morning. While he was there to, most likely, chat about his role on Coronation Street, the talk quickly turned to the long running British sci-fi comedy with Charles, given the long-awaited news of the upcoming Red Dwarf X series that has been commissioned by Dave and is set for filming to begin in November. Charles’ mention that “Everyone is back on board and they are building the sets now at Shepperton” didn’t quite cause a queue to form for the studio audience tapings, but did generate a bit of a buzz.

With that, the need for a bit of Red Dwarf X clarification. What better place to go than to the folks who would obviously know over at to eliminate speculation that might find its way around the space-time continuum. To be fair, Craig was 50% correct as “everyone is back on board”. Building sets? Not so much. According to the RD site:
  • The series will feature Rimmer, Lister, Cat and Kryten, once again played by Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules and Robert Llewellyn.
  • There will be six episodes in the series. The numbering of ‘Series X’ being both a pretty good promotional title for the channel, and technically correct since Back to Earth was a ‘ninth series’.
  • Shooting will take place this coming November, December and January, with broadcast likely slated for September 2012. That apparent delay is born of common sense – after its complex post-production, Red Dwarf X would be ready to broadcast in the summer, but that’s a time of low audiences. An autumn launch will make the very most of Dave’s new commission.

So, going forward, go to the official sources like or risk a meet up with a very cross, deranged killer penguin, Mr. Flibble.

In: Comedy