Page Eight – The Grid is calling, tonight on PBS

As I have consistently said, Bill Nighy could read the phone book and I’d be a happy telly watcher. PBS’ Masterpiece series continues to outdo itself week after week. This past year alone has seen numerous gems such as Downton AbbeyUpstairs Downstairs, Sherlock, Zen and, most recently, Case Histories which starred Jason Isaacs.

Tonight’s presentation, Page Eight, a one-off spy thriller, is no exception. A great cast, headed by Bill Nighy, who is stellar as an ‘old-guard Spook’ living in a new era of terror and security. His boss and best friend Benedict Baron, played by Michael Gambon, dies suddenly, leaving behind an inexplicable file, threatening the stability of the organization and, oh yeah, the British government too. Meanwhile, a seemingly chance encounter with his next-door neighbor and political activist Nancy Pierpan, played by Rachel Weisz, seems too good to be true.

Ralph Fiennes is brilliant as the Prime Minister with Saskia Reeves as the Home Secretary. After 80+ episodes of Spooks (MI-5), we all know how miserable the Home Secretary can make life for the head of Section D. You’re being called to the Grid, tonight at 9pET/8pCT on PBS’ Masterpiece.

In: Action/Drama