Downton Abbey fans: It's A Very Carson Christmas

Been a long time since I’ve seen the latenight commercials for the Ronco Inside the Shell Electric Egg Scrambler, Ron Popeil’s Pocket Fisherman or the Ginsu knives that could cut a metal can in half and still be sharp enough to slice a tomato to perfection. We’ve all seen the music compilation CD’s or DVD’s by that classic group, The Original Artists.

Finally, after endless years of infomercials, all advertising things you don’t really need, something for the ultimate Downton Abbey fan, as compiled by Mr. Carson, the butler. You know Carson. He’s in charge of the pantry, wine cellar and dining room, and the male staff report to him. Carson has worked at Downton Abbey since he was a boy. He is also endlessly nostalgic for the way things were. so, what better qualifies him to bring you A Very Carson Christmas. Seen on last week’s Friday with Jonathan Ross program, this will quickly become THE Christmas CD in the coming year. Remember, only 360 days until Christmas 2012.

After you order, remember that series 2 of Downton Abbey premieres as part of the PBS Masterpiece series on Sunday, January 8, 2012. Cheers.

In: Drama