Bit and Bobs from BBC Showcase – Liverpool

As you slept away the night last night, Tellyspotting landed in Liverpool content to begin working very hard on your behalf, finding the best of British telly for broadcast on public television in the States for the coming year. After a quick 9-hour flight to London followed by a 2.5 hour train journey to Liverpool, we begin a week of screenings which will determine what programs will be available for acquisition by public television stations across the country.

As you may recall, the BBC Showcase is an annual gathering where the Beeb rolls out the best of the best for television buyers from around the world. With all genre’s to be represented over the next week with series in the comedy, drama, natural history, documentary and children’s areas, we also hope to run in to several folks involved on both sides of the camera that will be in attendance. Of particular interest to public television viewers will be Una Stubbs (Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock) and Andrew Scott (Moriarty, Sherlock). Also, in attendance, will be Sherlock co-creator, Steven Moffat, and his wife, Sherlock producer, Sue Vertue, along with the host of Brazil with Michael Palin, Michael Palin.

One individual I’m particularly interested in getting a chance to talk with is Philip Davis, an English actor, writer and director known to American television audiences for his role in the likes of Ashes to Ashes, Sherlock and Whitechapel.

As always, we’ll keep you posted on a daily basis as to what we see and, hopefully, be able to provide clips of shows that will be available in the coming year. Cheers.

In: Comedy,Drama,Locations