Sherlock 3 to begin filming in 2013

Sherlock 3 – Good news / Bad news

For all those in the UK that have been left hanging out to dry since the end of Sherlock 2 , in the other parts of the world currently in the middle of series 2 or in the U.S. who are, impatiently, awaiting the premiere of Sherlock 2 on Sunday, May 6, there is good news / bad news regarding, perhaps, the best show on telly (sorry, Spooks, but there just might be a new sheriff in town), Sherlock 3.

The good news is that, according to Executive Producer, Beryl Vertue, the next set of television brilliance will begin filming in “…early 2013.” Speaking at the Nations and Regions Media conference in Salford, Vertue also told BBC’s Ariel that it was too early to confirm transmission times for the next series.

The bad news is that, according to Executive Producer, Beryl Vertue, the next set of television brilliance will begin filming in “…early 2013.” Speaking at the Nations and Regions Media conference in Salford, with more ‘bad news’, Vertue also told BBC’s Ariel that it was too early to confirm transmission times for the next series.

All to say, it’s all good and good things come to those who wait. For those that have seen any or all of Sherlock 2 you know it’s going to be well worth the wait.

For those in the United States, maybe this will help tide you over until 2013. A reminder that Sherlock 2 is coming to PBS beginning May 6….

In: Drama,Mystery